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Giving Thanks

Rachel Moore

Although everyone loves getting wedding gifts, the prospect of writing thank you notes can often be daunting. Thank you notes do more than express your gratitude; they let guests know you've received their presents. The gift giving will begin as soon as you announce your engagement and continue well past your wedding day. So follow these simple tips, and you'll find that writing notes may even be pleasant!

Don't skimp on stationary. In fact, we recommend that clients build thank you notes into their wedding budgets. When deciding on stationary, consider the thickness of the paper, the font color and style, border choices, etc. Don't forget to think about the envelopes, too! Maybe you want your envelopes to be a fun color, lined with a gorgeous pattern or printed with your return address. Beautiful stationary makes it more enjoyable to write thank you notes -- and more special to receive them! 

Purchase pre- and post-wedding versions. Because you aren't technically Mr. and Mrs. until after the wedding, consider purchasing some notes that have your first names at the top and others with your new, shared last name or monogram (like the pictures above). While you may want the post-wedding stationery to be more formal and match your wedding theme, feel free to have fun with colors and fonts for the pre-wedding notes! Purchasing extras of both versions will prove handy for years to come. 

Treat yourself to nice pens. Select your writing implement based on your paper choice. Make sure the pen rolls nicely across the page, doesn't get absorbed into the paper and doesn't smudge. We suggest you stick with blue or black ink, depending on your stationary's color scheme. By stocking up on a few nice pens and storing them with your stationary, you won't have any excuse to put off writing those notes!

Stock up on stamps. If you're like us, you love checking completed items off your to-do list! How frustrating to take the time to write a note but not be able to mail it because you lack stamps. Always have a roll of stamps on hand. Go to the post office and purchase nonseasonal forever stamps. That way you can use them...forever!

Don't procrastinate. A little discipline goes a long way. We suggest that clients write a thank you note as soon as they receive a gift. Just turn on some music, pour a glass of wine and start writing! Also, remember to keep track of those you've already thanked...otherwise you might embarrass yourself by sending the same person two notes! 

Personalize each letter. We all know there is a formula for writing a proper thank you note, but make an extra effort to add a personal touch. Thank the person or couple for traveling to your wedding, share how much you enjoyed dancing with them all night, explain how you plan to use the check or gift they sent, share how excited you are to see them at the next event, etc. 

Sign both names. The gift was sent to both of you. No matter who is writing the note, make sure you sign both names!